take a deeepppp breath in....
and breathe outttt......
today is definately one of the day that i couldn't wait to let it pass by.
tak sabar tunggu hari esok boleh?
i'm mad at everything!
first of all..................STREAMYX!this bloody service really made by blood pressure soars up to the sky!i've been reconnecting more than a dozen times already.furthermore i have to go to cc if i have something urgent to the bad old times..sebelum i pasang menda bodoh nie.motif i pasang streamyx is i tak payah lagi kuar umah nak guna internet totally unreliable streamyx from the respective TMNET is behaving!urrrggghhhhh!seriously rasa nak nanges pun ada!i dah call customer service dia pun.dah buat trouble shooting berjam-jam pun.i telefon 5x!5x tau tak in A DAY!!!!....everytime putus pun disebabkan mereka.1st they said the conversation will be recorded for learning purposes and they kept all the infos about the caller such as names,hp no and home no but they never bother to call me back when the conversation ended abruptly!NEVER!and everytime i called again,someone elses would answer and i had to repeat the problems again.and then u know what the solution is?they told me to take they main connectors from the telephone to the modem which is totally absurd since the telephone and my pc are metres make the matter worse,wiring suma fixed to the wall.yang dalam dinding pun ada.dia kata kenapa buat begini?i tanya...the wiring mmg dah berpuluh tahun lama fixed begitu and kenapa masa pasang streamyx haritu u tak pikir menda2 nie suma.why u all bodoh sgt tak pikir all the complications and such.pastu bg contoh2 bodoh kt dlm telefon kata streamyx ni macam pakai kereta lah and bla..bla..bla.ada time akan rosak bla..bla...yg u all suma tak sanggup dengaq.sebab tu klau streamyx macam kereta, proton nak bankrupt dah.oowh my god.....silalah beri rahmat dah hidayahMu kepada pekerja2 TMnet ini supaya mereka lebih laju dan maju dalam kerja2 mereka.when ada ja contract2 besar from the international company or especially goverment...tmnet ini berebut2 nak kan menda tu and surprisingly mereka yang dapat.but the service never improved!apa nie?cuba bagi kat company lain tgok...i'm sure the internet connection wouldn't be this suck!
dari semalam dah i naik darah tapi i sabar sebab yang ada dalam rumah ni mak and kakak i saja..takkan nak sembur kat mereka kan...tak adil i simpan.hari ni,sebelum i pergi rumah aunties i...i dah cakap awal2 dalam kereta i tanak duduk lama-lama.takyah sedia makanan segala...i dah kenyang.i just nak nice chit-chatting sket2 dan balik.tapi tu la...end-up,sampai kul 10 kena stay.siap masak,goreng ikan,masak sayur beli laksa segala.selamat depa tak kata nak masak gulai ayam atau buat kerabu pucuk paku.klau cakap begitu i mmg mengamuk ok.i bukan apa...i have my own plans.i have my own cravings tu fullfill.dan i nak pi cari baju raya.klau i dh makan segala and stay lama-lama,segala plans i musnah.and bukan selalu i ada free weekend tahu tak.i nak spend relax-relax dengan 2 org kesayangan i tepi laut..makan KFC..minum starbucks sambil bercinta-cinta dengan mak dan kakak i.i jugak tak beli baju raya lagi tahu tak.9 hb depan i dah balik ireland dah.and bila beli kain my mum kena jahit which dia ada 100 baju nak kena jahit untuk orang lain pakai raya nanti.bila jadi macam ni..kena paksa duduk lelama dan makan segala..i jd gelisah..sampai satu tahap i akn nak marah semua org and silap2 i akn meletup....see...sekarang i dah cara i cakap dengan mereka wouldn't be nice anymore and cara i mintak balik pun dah tak sedap didengar.
lagi satu...i marah sbb incik ichigo tak balas-balas email lagiii i naik darah.i punya berkobar2 nak balik check email sekali dia tak balas.eeeee....down tau tak.ok i dah malas nak layan orang kapal seorang nie.u tido la sorang2 atas kapal..i tak kesah dah.
lastly..i maraaaaah gila kat nyamuk!bukan kiasan atau pun simbolik.mmg betul2 nyamuk.boleh tak geget orang lain atau jangan ngeng..ngeng..ngeng..kat telinga ai.rimas tau tak!u igt u untung ke geget i.bila i pakai baju or seluar2 yg gelap je..the more u get excited and do u think it's possible for me to wear bright colors everyday?silap2 i boleh masuk hospital and that's definately not a good idea since cuti i less than a month je.i beg u ,please ask the whole clan get out of my house and find another better place to stay and breed!
haaa....bersembur2 habes basah blog i.ngan nyamuk2 pun kena.takpa,nie blog sendri kan.cara cakap pun dah macam orang psychotic dah.maaf if i ada menyinggung sesiapa.i cuma manusia yang ada sikap marah dan tidak terlalu penyabar.i hope i could tolerate more next time which i'll try my best but as for today,it's all unbearable which i have to pour it out loud.
sorry blog today just simply not my day!
garang nye jemah.
be cool babeh
stimix mmg bungok.
itu la solution die, soh sambung direct to modem la yadayadayada.nyusahkan betoi kan?
kery pun dulu selalu kene,ntah sengal nape ntah.
its okay u're just being a human! hope summer's great for you! see u in dubs soon!
comel la u
tp i sungguh faham emosi itu!!
c u soon dear :)
hurm...kemarahan dahlega.tapi streamyx still bodoh.
u too,enjoy hols.i dh windu warga dubs laaa...
haha..lepas nie siapa nak kongsi emosi dgn i mlm2 lae dear?sobs. c ya soooon!
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