should i say yeaaayyy for being here again?or should i cry?well,i don't think both are appropriate.let's see...erm....firstly i'm grateful to be back safely.
honestly,after such long hours,i'm just glad i made it home.
the chronology of quadruple flights.malaysia airlines:penang-klia
departure:3rd sept 2145hours
departure:5th sept 0055hours(delayed to 0200)
arrival:5th sept 0445hrs
departure:5th sept 0745hrs
arrival:5th sept 1215hrs
departure:5th sept 1550hrs(delayed to 1650hrs)
arrival:5th sept 1730hrs
total journey:23hours and 32mins(not including penang-klia)
total energy consumed:in total exhaustion.
p/s:mst korang pening tgok departure and arrival time tu kan?especially bila tgok bertolak 5sept,sampai pun 5sept.this is due to difference in local time of different count.i think around 4-5..apa-apaun malaysia lae cepat
well,that was 2 days ago.i've already recovered and alhamdulillah no jet lag so far.
tapi cerita ni tak best lah tadak drama kan?when checking-in at klia,i were told that i could check-in my luggage directly to dublin.u see,i booked my flights to heathrow and dublin separately using different airlines and so i don't think this is possible.when the staff confidently told me he can do that,without further thinking i quickly handed in my booking reference of the flight from london to dublin.this is handy as direct check-in means i dont have to collect my bag in heathrow and recheck-in again.time and energy saving.but all the way i had this uneasy feeling about my luggage.when i finally touched down in dublin i quickly go to baggage reclaim and waited anxiously for my's blue and red in color and weighed 23kg.after waiting for quite sometime,i noticed the no show of the bag.i waited until there's no more beg on the belt and finally accepted the fact that my bag was missing and slowly i walked to the airline baggage counter to make a report.hurm....i didn't feel anything.not panic nor sad.i knew this coming.i somehow the same time,i were tired and my head was dizzy like hell i've no time to excessively worry about my bag anymore.kat mata nampak katil je.the receptionist will contact me once they trace my beg and send it to me around 8-12am the next day.
the next day:i woke up at half nine.still no news about the missing bag.continued unpacking and tidying up the messy room.the room was not only full of mess but chilly at the same time.i missed malaysia 2pm i called them asking about the whereabouts of my bag.still untraceable.half-an hour late,i sent an email to emirates asking them a favor of locating the bag.~bersungguh-sunggu wa cakap lu sebab terkenangkan kek cokelat sebijik dan segala ketupat segera,perencah knorr secukup rasa dan 12 perencah nasik u know lah why my nasik goreng i sedap kan.ahem!at 3pm baru je angkat takbir nak solat,ada call.terus angkat and woOOhoooo,they have found my beg it has safely arrived at dublin airport!yeay!around 8 the delivery man arrived and handed me the bag.siap sms lae after the called me.
bag01/BLUE-your item has been prepared to be delivered to you.-
::the exact sms i've received::
efficient kan?=)
i rasa dlm drama nie kan..i learnt something tau.masa beg hilang,takde perasaan.sehari selepas tu,i rasa sedeh.pastu mula la macam-macam perasaan lain bercambah.rasa unlucky lah,rasa malang lah.kalau la i bercomunicate dengan org,mst i rasa nak marah je.i trus tak bersemangat nak bgun pagi.masa sahur pg tu,i minum air paip and mkn kueh raya 3-4 bijik sbb tu je yg ada dlm hand-carry i.kettle pulak rosak.last i mkn heavy was in the flight from dubai-heathrow.around berbelas hours before.perut i sensitive.i doaaaaa sgt kat tuhan jgn bg i lapar or sakit perut sbb i mkn tu je for sahur.waktu puasa kat sini longer than malaysia.15jam setengah.bila dah tau beg dah jumpa,i malu sendri.i rasa i overreacted. tgok...tuhan nk duga i.sehari je dia hilangkan beg dah gelabah.tu baru beg.klau menda penting lain..for an instance..passport ke...(nauuzubillah la).lagi haru especially dalam bulan mulia ni...i dah promise myself nak increase the level of patience in myself.dan tuhan nak tunjukkan dalam apa2 menda pun...kita kena ada sifat kebergantungan kepada Allah yang sgt jitu.i bagi nama Allah high-dependancy unit(AHDU).kalau kat hospital unit nie menakutkan sbb it full of post-operative patients(baru lepas bedah) or org tenat but but not critical enough to be admitted into ICU.tapi kalau AHDU ni selamanya dok dlm nie lae bagus.tapi manusia selalu lupa.senang sket igt diri sendri je.kan?eh mungkin bukan korang,i je nie.
okielah,i rasa mcm ustazah tak bertauliah pulak.hehe
i baru buat grocery shopping and i dah beli 2pieces of salmon fillet and king prawns.ada idea tak nak masak apa?hurm...nampaknya perut nie masih belum bersedia nak terima ayam setelah 2 bulan dimanjakan sangat dengan variety of fish and seafoods.takpa pelan-pelan i cuba.
enuff for now lah ye.i'll write more when i have time and ideas.
till then take care.