i have never thought this would happen now.
hurm...kerja tuhan,tak siapa tahu.
mum sounds happy,so does kakak.alhamdulillah.
incik ichigo?haaa...nie the hardest part.eventhough dah kawan 5 tahun,susah nk teka makhluk sorang nie.but i bet he must be the happiest person!kan?=)
and me?one of the happiest day in my life!
thank you mak and kakak for your understanding.
and for you,u always surprised me by how far u would go to make me happy.
kamu letak pelangi di langit saya.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
.mimpi indah.
hari ini buffday tina.2 days ago buffday nadia.happy buffday.hope u girls have a wonderful year ahead.
hari ini hujan dr pagi saaaampai petang.horror.lepas makan kenyang,semua org basah kuyup.dpt lah sharing-sharing payung.erat persahabatan kata org.hehe.
hari ini kena naik train 6.50 ptg.saya benci train ini.kerana apa?pukul 8 malam baru smp dublin dr mullingar.hari-hari travel sejam pergi dan sejam balik.mcm penang-ipoh-penang hari-hari selama seminggu.badan pun penat.otak sepuluh kali penat.tapi sebab doktor saya yang baik hati belanja makan dan kenyangkan dengan gosip,saya maafkan.
hari ini saya dpt tahu taiko besar ryan air tu patient GP saya.alangkah bangganyasayadia!
hari ini kalau boleh saya mahu sangat berada di malaysia.meramaikan majlis.tapi apakan daya.
mungkin hari ini saya patut tidur awal?
selamat malam dublin.
hari ini buffday tina.2 days ago buffday nadia.happy buffday.hope u girls have a wonderful year ahead.
hari ini hujan dr pagi saaaampai petang.horror.lepas makan kenyang,semua org basah kuyup.dpt lah sharing-sharing payung.erat persahabatan kata org.hehe.
hari ini kena naik train 6.50 ptg.saya benci train ini.kerana apa?pukul 8 malam baru smp dublin dr mullingar.hari-hari travel sejam pergi dan sejam balik.mcm penang-ipoh-penang hari-hari selama seminggu.badan pun penat.otak sepuluh kali penat.tapi sebab doktor saya yang baik hati belanja makan dan kenyangkan dengan gosip,saya maafkan.
hari ini saya dpt tahu taiko besar ryan air tu patient GP saya.alangkah bangganya
hari ini kalau boleh saya mahu sangat berada di malaysia.meramaikan majlis.tapi apakan daya.
mungkin hari ini saya patut tidur awal?
selamat malam dublin.
Monday, April 20, 2009
.let's start all over again.
today is monday.i should have gone to classes,clinics or hosp,anything medically related.but here i am,at home,posting another entry for you readers.hehe.if you noticed,i've been writing few entries that are hard to understand.huhu.tgah emo ataupun tidak sesuai untuk diberitahu secara direct mungkin?so let me be straight forward from now on.
anyway,my seniors the final meds are at the battlefields at the moment strunggling the final exams.eventhough final exam is a year away for me,i can feel the fear,the feeling of not doing enough studies and worst,dreading the possibility of staying longer to repeat/resit.the thinking part already gives me goosebumps,what more doing it prayers always be with u all.furthermore,they look confidence ja nk amek exam.hehe.
when they finish everything by this week,we the res year will automatically be upgraded or promoted to the most senior batch in ucd med school!how's that sound ladies and gentleman?don't talk about bully here.we don't even have time to think about it!what i want to highlight is this september will mark the 6th year me being a resident in this lovely also indicates the 6th year me celebrating eid here,again.this is the hard part,btw.since i have less than a year(minus the hols) i was thinking of going back the memory lanes from the 1st time i stepped my foot here till i finish my studies insyaAllah.of course it's not possible to put everything in one entry at the end of my final year so i might as well start from now.just as a back-up memory device if i miss my student life and when i miss dublin one day..hehe.
so,how does everything start?how did i end up here,of all countries?well,it's all started when i was in mrsm to begin mrsm,we had mock interviews just to train the students to be confident and used to the real interviews when we finish when i was called in,there were 2 interviewers,one was my chemistry teacher and the other one was an accountancy teacher whose not related to me at after the intro part,i was asked what i want to do after spm.i proudly said medicine.where?erm,ireland.why?because ireland is one of the famous country where malaysian students go and read medicine.honest and spontaneous's so happened i just had a peek on an article about doing medicine in irelandi have no idea where ireland is,no idea how's the weather like and lacking info on the requirements that i have to meet to study in it was all easy she moved on to the next Q:if u don't get to study abroad,where's ur next choice?IMU!pergh..gila berlagak tak consider lansung local uni under goverment nih.but that was me yearssss ago,the shallow-minded me.
and you know what?after that day,i totally forgot what i've said about doing medicine in ireland bla..bla..bla..see,when u talk something spontaneously,u hardly remember it because it didn't come from the heart.until one fine day,when i paid a visit to mrsm a month before i came here(which is nearly 2 years after the mock interview) and i met my chemistry teacher again.she asked,so where are you going next?ireland!so u got what u want huh?how do you know?i was surprised.u told me during mock interview last time.remember?ahhhhh yes!i did tell you.i seriously forgot till she reminded me again that day.
mak ada berpesan....setiap ucapan dari mulut kita biarlah yang baik-baik sahaja dan jangan malu untuk dream big.mana tahu ucapan itu adalah doa dan DIA yang menentukan rezeki setiap hambaNya.
today is monday.i should have gone to classes,clinics or hosp,anything medically related.but here i am,at home,posting another entry for you readers.hehe.if you noticed,i've been writing few entries that are hard to understand.huhu.tgah emo ataupun tidak sesuai untuk diberitahu secara direct mungkin?so let me be straight forward from now on.
anyway,my seniors the final meds are at the battlefields at the moment strunggling the final exams.eventhough final exam is a year away for me,i can feel the fear,the feeling of not doing enough studies and worst,dreading the possibility of staying longer to repeat/resit.the thinking part already gives me goosebumps,what more doing it prayers always be with u all.furthermore,they look confidence ja nk amek exam.hehe.
when they finish everything by this week,we the res year will automatically be upgraded or promoted to the most senior batch in ucd med school!how's that sound ladies and gentleman?don't talk about bully here.we don't even have time to think about it!what i want to highlight is this september will mark the 6th year me being a resident in this lovely also indicates the 6th year me celebrating eid here,again.this is the hard part,btw.since i have less than a year(minus the hols) i was thinking of going back the memory lanes from the 1st time i stepped my foot here till i finish my studies insyaAllah.of course it's not possible to put everything in one entry at the end of my final year so i might as well start from now.just as a back-up memory device if i miss my student life and when i miss dublin one day..hehe.
so,how does everything start?how did i end up here,of all countries?well,it's all started when i was in mrsm to begin mrsm,we had mock interviews just to train the students to be confident and used to the real interviews when we finish when i was called in,there were 2 interviewers,one was my chemistry teacher and the other one was an accountancy teacher whose not related to me at after the intro part,i was asked what i want to do after spm.i proudly said medicine.where?erm,ireland.why?because ireland is one of the famous country where malaysian students go and read medicine.honest and spontaneous's so happened i just had a peek on an article about doing medicine in ireland
and you know what?after that day,i totally forgot what i've said about doing medicine in ireland bla..bla..bla..see,when u talk something spontaneously,u hardly remember it because it didn't come from the heart.until one fine day,when i paid a visit to mrsm a month before i came here(which is nearly 2 years after the mock interview) and i met my chemistry teacher again.she asked,so where are you going next?ireland!so u got what u want huh?how do you know?i was surprised.u told me during mock interview last time.remember?ahhhhh yes!i did tell you.i seriously forgot till she reminded me again that day.
mak ada berpesan....setiap ucapan dari mulut kita biarlah yang baik-baik sahaja dan jangan malu untuk dream big.mana tahu ucapan itu adalah doa dan DIA yang menentukan rezeki setiap hambaNya.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
.a pair.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
today,everyone disagrees with the was lovely on tuesday.not to bright,neither too cold.just nice to have a walk(or walk the dog bg org-org disini atau berjalan kaki dan menunggu bus bg saya).anyhoot yesterday and today were horrendous!it was pouring the whole day today and so did yesterday.tiada cahaya matahari lansung menemani.when i woke up this morning,i looked through the window,owh no!dlm hati,basah lagi lah saya hari gp was cursing the weather all the way to nursing homes while i sat still beside her in the car hoping she could understand that hujan adalah adalah rahmat dr wait a minute,tadik cakap horrendous?bila terfikir macam tu,i was cursing myself pulak sebab bersedih atas cuaca yang tidak beberapa baik itu.kenapa org kata hujan itu rahmat?mst semua org pernah dengar kan...klau buat kenduri kahwin hari kata Alhamdulillah berkat nie..klau org mati..on the way nk bwak ke kubo klau hujan org cakap..sejukkkk arwah.tak ke?ke nie kepercayaan karut saya?(apa-apapun tuhan sahaja yang tahu what's happening kan?nti saya tnya mak dr mana dtg semua tu)...saya tetap percaya mst ada rahmat sebalik hujan.bgi saya bila hujan..especially klau rintik-rintik...mat salleh cakap drizzling....ia adalah masa plg sesuai untuk saya reflect diri.i dunno,it comes naturally.masa tu keadaan di luar mcm gloomy...sejuk and sometimes i could even smell the freshness of grass when it that reminds me of who i am,did i do enough as a caliph or i just wasting another sec,another min or another day doing things i would regret in future?berat kan persoalan saya nie.hehe.i think everybody has their own special time like this when u really use the time to be with yourself,in and out.and mungkin bg saya,lagi lama atau lagi kerap hujan mungkin lagi bagus sbb saya akn terfikir macam mana le nk kurang dosa yang byk ni dan nk tambah pahala yang agknya dh lama berada di status quo tu?do u have a special moment for yourself like this?meh kita sharing-sharing=)
today,everyone disagrees with the was lovely on tuesday.not to bright,neither too cold.just nice to have a walk(or walk the dog bg org-org disini atau berjalan kaki dan menunggu bus bg saya).anyhoot yesterday and today were horrendous!it was pouring the whole day today and so did yesterday.tiada cahaya matahari lansung menemani.when i woke up this morning,i looked through the window,owh no!dlm hati,basah lagi lah saya hari gp was cursing the weather all the way to nursing homes while i sat still beside her in the car hoping she could understand that hujan adalah adalah rahmat dr wait a minute,tadik cakap horrendous?bila terfikir macam tu,i was cursing myself pulak sebab bersedih atas cuaca yang tidak beberapa baik itu.kenapa org kata hujan itu rahmat?mst semua org pernah dengar kan...klau buat kenduri kahwin hari kata Alhamdulillah berkat nie..klau org mati..on the way nk bwak ke kubo klau hujan org cakap..sejukkkk arwah.tak ke?ke nie kepercayaan karut saya?(apa-apapun tuhan sahaja yang tahu what's happening kan?nti saya tnya mak dr mana dtg semua tu)...saya tetap percaya mst ada rahmat sebalik hujan.bgi saya bila hujan..especially klau rintik-rintik...mat salleh cakap drizzling....ia adalah masa plg sesuai untuk saya reflect diri.i dunno,it comes naturally.masa tu keadaan di luar mcm gloomy...sejuk and sometimes i could even smell the freshness of grass when it that reminds me of who i am,did i do enough as a caliph or i just wasting another sec,another min or another day doing things i would regret in future?berat kan persoalan saya nie.hehe.i think everybody has their own special time like this when u really use the time to be with yourself,in and out.and mungkin bg saya,lagi lama atau lagi kerap hujan mungkin lagi bagus sbb saya akn terfikir macam mana le nk kurang dosa yang byk ni dan nk tambah pahala yang agknya dh lama berada di status quo tu?do u have a special moment for yourself like this?meh kita sharing-sharing=)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
wii mania.
venue:40,reuben st.
activities:cooking,wii,eating,guitar heroes xbox,watching rat race,wii,wii,wii,wii,wii..
outcome:unilateral shoulder arthropathy with minor right carpal tunnel syndrome and owh yes,hoarseness due to excessive shouting and screaming.
i think today's myself and play
and i need wii.
duit dari langit,turunlah dikau-dikau.
venue:40,reuben st.
activities:cooking,wii,eating,guitar heroes xbox,watching rat race,wii,wii,wii,wii,wii..
outcome:unilateral shoulder arthropathy with minor right carpal tunnel syndrome and owh yes,hoarseness due to excessive shouting and screaming.
i think today's myself and play
and i need wii.
duit dari langit,turunlah dikau-dikau.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
cerita matahari.
"kenapa kamu tidak tersenyum pagi ini wahai budak kecilku?"tanya sang matahari.
"kerana cahaya pagi belum sampai ke mata saya wahai sang mentari pagi"jawab si budak kecil yang pipinya tembam.
si matahari bertanya lagi,"bukankah aku telah muncul di celahan tingkap kamu pagi ini?tidak cukupkah cahaya aku yang mampu menerangkan satu semesta ini untuk kamu?"
"bukan!bukan itu maksudku wahai sang matahari.kamu tidak pernah lupa,juga tidak pernah jemu menjengahku.cahaya kamu adalah satu nikmat untuk aku.malah,kamu yang aku tunggu-tunggu bila tiba musim dingin itu.kamu tidak pernah alpa.tidak sekali-sekali".ayat si budak kecil ini makin perlahan tanda kesedihan....
"kamu masih bersedih?mengapa?"
"masih hendak tahu?kamu ikhlas mendengar?"budak kecil itu akhirnya membuka ruang.
"sepenuh hati".jawab si matahari.
"duduk,aku khabarkan.dulu,selain kamu yang menebarkan cahaya di waktu pagi,terdapat juga cahaya lain yang membuat aku tersenyum.tetapi senyuman aku ini berbeza.ianya lahir dari dalam hati.cahaya ini juga membuat hari aku bermakna.aku tidak perlu cahaya lain kerana ia cukup terang untuk menemani ku sepanjang hari....namun sekarang,cahaya itu makin hari makin kelam.jarang sekali menjengah pagiku.jarang sekali menemani hariku.aku rindu sekali"
"owh begitu.aku simpati.pernahkan kamu khabarkan apa yang kamu rasa kepada pemberi cahaya itu?"
"aku malu!sebelum ini bila cahaya itu makin pudar,akan aku bisikkan padanya yang aku menunggu cahayanya.aku perlu cahaya itu.lantas dia akn muncul kembali buat aku tersenyum kesekian kalinya.tetapi aku selalu meminta sehinggakan aku malu untuk menagih lagi.
"mahukan aku menggandakan cahayaku buat kamu agar bisa membuat kamu tersenyum lagi?"
"kamu terlalu baik sang mentari.tetapi walau ke takat lebur sekalipun cahaya kamu,tidak sehangat cahaya yang aku tunggu-tunggu itu.....dia berbeza.tapi tidak mengapa wahai sang mentari,mungkin dengan tiadanya cahaya itu,aku akan lebih menghargai kamu,pemberi cahaya agung yang tidak pernah lupa dan pemurah.mahu jadi sahabat aku?"
"bukankah kamu sudah lama aku anggap sahabat?"
ya,wahai mentari.kau mmg sahabat sejak aku mula mengenal dunia.akulah sebenarnya yang terlupa.
"kenapa kamu tidak tersenyum pagi ini wahai budak kecilku?"tanya sang matahari.
"kerana cahaya pagi belum sampai ke mata saya wahai sang mentari pagi"jawab si budak kecil yang pipinya tembam.
si matahari bertanya lagi,"bukankah aku telah muncul di celahan tingkap kamu pagi ini?tidak cukupkah cahaya aku yang mampu menerangkan satu semesta ini untuk kamu?"
"bukan!bukan itu maksudku wahai sang matahari.kamu tidak pernah lupa,juga tidak pernah jemu menjengahku.cahaya kamu adalah satu nikmat untuk aku.malah,kamu yang aku tunggu-tunggu bila tiba musim dingin itu.kamu tidak pernah alpa.tidak sekali-sekali".ayat si budak kecil ini makin perlahan tanda kesedihan....
"kamu masih bersedih?mengapa?"
"masih hendak tahu?kamu ikhlas mendengar?"budak kecil itu akhirnya membuka ruang.
"sepenuh hati".jawab si matahari.
"duduk,aku khabarkan.dulu,selain kamu yang menebarkan cahaya di waktu pagi,terdapat juga cahaya lain yang membuat aku tersenyum.tetapi senyuman aku ini berbeza.ianya lahir dari dalam hati.cahaya ini juga membuat hari aku bermakna.aku tidak perlu cahaya lain kerana ia cukup terang untuk menemani ku sepanjang hari....namun sekarang,cahaya itu makin hari makin kelam.jarang sekali menjengah pagiku.jarang sekali menemani hariku.aku rindu sekali"
"owh begitu.aku simpati.pernahkan kamu khabarkan apa yang kamu rasa kepada pemberi cahaya itu?"
"aku malu!sebelum ini bila cahaya itu makin pudar,akan aku bisikkan padanya yang aku menunggu cahayanya.aku perlu cahaya itu.lantas dia akn muncul kembali buat aku tersenyum kesekian kalinya.tetapi aku selalu meminta sehinggakan aku malu untuk menagih lagi.
"mahukan aku menggandakan cahayaku buat kamu agar bisa membuat kamu tersenyum lagi?"
"kamu terlalu baik sang mentari.tetapi walau ke takat lebur sekalipun cahaya kamu,tidak sehangat cahaya yang aku tunggu-tunggu itu.....dia berbeza.tapi tidak mengapa wahai sang mentari,mungkin dengan tiadanya cahaya itu,aku akan lebih menghargai kamu,pemberi cahaya agung yang tidak pernah lupa dan pemurah.mahu jadi sahabat aku?"
"bukankah kamu sudah lama aku anggap sahabat?"
ya,wahai mentari.kau mmg sahabat sejak aku mula mengenal dunia.akulah sebenarnya yang terlupa.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
does your friend.....

:rent cars,book a nice cottage house and plan everything in the middle of exams so u just pack your things and hop in the car for another road trip?
:still talk to you eventhough u slept like a baby with your head kept on nodding up to 90 degrees(i hope i wasn't snoring tho) all the way through the journey?
:still take your pictures even when u kept on pestering them to do so eventhough u'r fat u look like a pregnant lady in the pictures?
:lend her knees when ur neck get stiffed from watching telly sideways so that u can continue watching with ease?
:let u play guitar heroes more than once although u sucked at it?
:still teach you patiently how to solve rubik's cube although your IQ's like 5 y.o kid and it's already 12am?
:sing a song to you when u were bored by the long journey just to make u laugh(i'm touched btw regardless whatever intentions u guys have when singing that song for me=))
:let u play-play with their guitars,pretend that the guitar is yours and even jump with the guitar?
:baked bread pudding twice in a day just because u love it so much?
:drive you through 3 counties in a day?(tipperary,galway and offaly)
:and lastly,does your friend still invite u for another road trip despite all the disagreements,fights and issues that arised last time?
my friends made tipperary more than a beautiful place to visit.they made the tiny cottage house bigger with laughters and jokes.they made the cattles sing songs with their harmonious voices.they made the meadows more colourful with their fun and jovial characters.and with their sincere hearts,they have made tipperary alive!

pic by hadi ahmad
for superb pictures,check-out my facebook;)felt like violating copyrights if i take their super lawa pics again and put them here.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
a nameless passerby
it's a hectic week.exam was over.just came back from road trip with beloved friends.itu nanti cerita.
cirque de soleil's awesome.i wonder how long they've been practising all the stunts and acrobatic acts they performed just now.i think i was equally excited with the kids who were sitting in front of me.worth the money i paid,absolutely.
on different notes,the house is started to show signs of aging.water was pouring down from the roof while the shower just refused to work.maybe it's time to go back to basic such as mandi dlm baldi and nyalakan balik the antique fireplaces in the house.lomantik sket dak?hehe.
and i miss ichigo =(
dah esok-esok sambung pulak.
it's a hectic week.exam was over.just came back from road trip with beloved friends.itu nanti cerita.
cirque de soleil's awesome.i wonder how long they've been practising all the stunts and acrobatic acts they performed just now.i think i was equally excited with the kids who were sitting in front of me.worth the money i paid,absolutely.
on different notes,the house is started to show signs of aging.water was pouring down from the roof while the shower just refused to work.maybe it's time to go back to basic such as mandi dlm baldi and nyalakan balik the antique fireplaces in the house.lomantik sket dak?hehe.
and i miss ichigo =(
dah esok-esok sambung pulak.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
have u ever think of or miss someone eventhough he/she is right in front of you?owh this is not about me,well not ENTIRELY about me=)this is from the movie i watched just now,duplicity.before i make a review about this movie,let's talk about this first.different people has different understanding about the 1st ayat.what i understand is it's happen when u just can't get enough of the person you adore or love.the feeling of longing to be with each other is really strong smp org tu dah ada depan mata you still rasa tak cukup or is like "this can't be true".
how about the feeling when the person is right in front of you but it seems like he's far away or he's not even there?like eventhough u scream ur lungs out,you still wouldn't be able to convey ur msg.or maybe it's like you're talking to stranger or he's just deaf or blind or both.padahal u know that person.u've known each other for quite sometime.
complexity.the issue in 1st paragraph is more towards positivity while the 2nd one is on the opposite 2-2 adalah sesuatu yang tidak cliche and will make your life more;)
yes,duplicity is a must watch movie.i love julia roberts and will always do.clive owen did a good job too he even made my jaw i knoe why miss daisy loves him so much.well..i'm not good in commenting movies but duplicity is definately a good watch because it full of twist and turn and again,not a cliche movie.go watch!
im sad.the reason?u see,when shopping some souvenirs in stockholm,i saw this one's not really extravagant,in fact it's just a simple chain with a simple pendant.however,it looks very classic to me.not even the same kind as what i've own and wear.sekali pandang trus jatuh cinta.but..but...i was hopelessly broke at that time i had to limit myself on buying souvenirs ONLY and nothing else.i walked out the shop hoping i could forget about it sooner or later.the problem now is it's been a month and the necklace still menari-nari dlm kepala.camne?ishk.
oklah.cukup dulu.mari layan lagu:
An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
And isn't it ironic... don't you think
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
"Well isn't this nice..."
And isn't it ironic... don't you think
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
In your face
A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic...don't you think
A little too ironic...and, yeah, I really do think...
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out
Helping you out
have u ever think of or miss someone eventhough he/she is right in front of you?owh this is not about me,well not ENTIRELY about me=)this is from the movie i watched just now,duplicity.before i make a review about this movie,let's talk about this first.different people has different understanding about the 1st ayat.what i understand is it's happen when u just can't get enough of the person you adore or love.the feeling of longing to be with each other is really strong smp org tu dah ada depan mata you still rasa tak cukup or is like "this can't be true".
how about the feeling when the person is right in front of you but it seems like he's far away or he's not even there?like eventhough u scream ur lungs out,you still wouldn't be able to convey ur msg.or maybe it's like you're talking to stranger or he's just deaf or blind or both.padahal u know that person.u've known each other for quite sometime.
complexity.the issue in 1st paragraph is more towards positivity while the 2nd one is on the opposite 2-2 adalah sesuatu yang tidak cliche and will make your life more;)
yes,duplicity is a must watch movie.i love julia roberts and will always do.clive owen did a good job too he even made my jaw i knoe why miss daisy loves him so much.well..i'm not good in commenting movies but duplicity is definately a good watch because it full of twist and turn and again,not a cliche movie.go watch!
im sad.the reason?u see,when shopping some souvenirs in stockholm,i saw this one's not really extravagant,in fact it's just a simple chain with a simple pendant.however,it looks very classic to me.not even the same kind as what i've own and wear.sekali pandang trus jatuh cinta.but..but...i was hopelessly broke at that time i had to limit myself on buying souvenirs ONLY and nothing else.i walked out the shop hoping i could forget about it sooner or later.the problem now is it's been a month and the necklace still menari-nari dlm kepala.camne?ishk.
oklah.cukup dulu.mari layan lagu:
An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
And isn't it ironic... don't you think
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
"Well isn't this nice..."
And isn't it ironic... don't you think
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
In your face
A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic...don't you think
A little too ironic...and, yeah, I really do think...
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out
Helping you out
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